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Events & Announcements
PhD Defense
Mr. Nagineni Sukumar (18914015) || VISION-BASED LANE DETECTION TECHNIQUES AND DRIVER STATE MONITORING FOR ADAS || Supervisor: Prof. P. Sumathi || External Examiner: Dr. Shanmuganathan Raman
PhD Defense
Mr. Karthik Singh Parihar(20914019) || DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH-POWER DENSITY SOLID-STATE TRANSFORMER (SST) || Supervisor: Prof. Mukesh Kumar Pathak || External Examiner: Prof. Denis Sidorov
Title: Small dc-link capacitor-based power converter topologies and related issues || Speaker: Prof. Ramkrishan Maheshwari , Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Soenderborg, Denmark || Venue: APJ AKB 201, 30th Dec 2024, Monday, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Title: Silicon and WBG Power Semiconductors for Power Electronics -"Trends, Impacts and Challenges" || Speaker: Dr. Gourab Majumdar (Dr. Gourab Suzuki), Fellow IEEE and Senior Fellow, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Power Device Works). || Venue: APJ AKB 201, 24th Dec 2024, 10:00 AM to 12 PM
News & Achievements
Research Projects
Congratulations to Mr. Gapala Pare, Mr. Manas Shil, Prof. G. N. Pillai and Prof. Arnab Dey for the best paper award in the 4th International Conference PCCT 2025 ACMSE 2024 held at NIT Raipur in Jan. 2025.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Kishore Bhaskarrao Nandapurkar, who has joined our department in the AI & AI group.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Parikshit Pareek, who has joined our department in the PSE group.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Satish Belkhode, who has joined our department in the EDPE group.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Asha Sharma, who has joined our department in the PSE group.
Congratulations to authors Mr. Biju M, Prof. G. N. Pillai and Albin Jiji for the best paper award in the ACMSE 2024 held in Georgia, US.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Avinash Kumar, who has joined our department in the PSE group.
Congratulations to Anil Kumar Badavath, Vivek Kumar, Yogesh. V. Hote and Md. Masood Raza for the best paper award for the paper 'Cyber Threat Analysis and Design of IMC-PID Conventional Controller of PWM DC-DC Buck Converter (Part A)' at IEEE RASSE 2023 conference.
Congratulations to Mrs. Tripti Gangwar and Mrs. Bhabani Choudhury, Research Scholars of Department have received the Industry Research & Development Fellowship from the Department of Science & Technology (DST) and India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA).
Mr. Mir Uzair Kanth (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Premalata Jena) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Ms. Shubhangi Mishra (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Abdul Saleem Mir) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to her on her achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Mr. Sanket Subhash Tambe (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Anubrata Dey) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Mr. Anil Kumar Tiwari (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Jishnu Kavil Kambrath) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Mr. Ankush Sharma (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Bhavesh R. Bhalja) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Congratulations to Mr. Viral Rathod (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. G. B. Kumbhar and Prof. B. R. Bhalja) for winning the DST AWSAR 2022 competition and securing a position among the top 100 popular science stories under the PhD category.
Congratulations to Prof. Jeevanand S. for the SERB International Research Experience fellowship with Dr. Harish Sarma Krishnamoorthy at Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University Of Houston, USA, for the year 2023-2024, supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), a statutory body of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Ramanuja Panigrahi, who has joined our department in the EDPE group.
Congratulations to Ms. Pooja Chauhan (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. C. P. Gupta and Prof. M. Tripathy) for winning the Global Distinguished Young Scientists Award at the 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies organized by Maldives National University, Male City, Maldives.
Prof. G. K. Singh co-authored a book titled "A Laboratory Manual on Virtual Experimentation on Electrical AC Machines and Circuit Networks using MATLAB/Simulink and MULTISIM", Central West Publishing, Australia, 2023.
Mr. Shambhunath Dutta (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Apurv Kumar Yadav) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Ms. Aparna Acharya (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Bhavesh R. Bhalja) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2023. Congratulations to her on her achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Congratulations to all the authors; Soju J. Alexander (PhD scholar, EED), Prof. P. Sumathi, Dr. S. K. Panigrahi, Dr. C. Bharathi Priya and Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan for winning the Diamond Jubilee Best Research Paper Award for the year 2022, awarded by CSIR-Central Building Research Institute.
Congratulations to Mr. Saurabh Sharma (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Manoj Tripathy) for receiving a Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship, tenable at Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom, starting in January/February 2023 for a period of one year.
Congratulations to Mr. Mohd Azeem (M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering, Supervisor: Prof. Premalata Jena) for receiving Research Internship position under NTU Singapore India Connect Research Internship program from January 2023 to June 2023.
Mr. Soumya Ranjan Nath (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Bhavesh R. Bhalja) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2022. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Ms. Adyasha Sahoo (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. N. P. Padhy & Prof. Deep Kiran) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2022. Congratulations to her on her achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Congratulations to Prof. N. P. Padhy on winning the prestigious Jury Award of the 2022 IEEE Smart Cities.
Congratulations to Prof. A. K. Yadav on receiving Start-Up Research Grants (SRG) funded by SERB-DST on a project titled “Multiphase Inductive Power Transfer System for Contactless Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles”.
Congratulations to Prof. A. S. Mir for receiving IEEE PES Technical Committee Working Group Recognition Award for Outstanding Technical Report on Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation Transition to Power Electronics-Dominated Chan Energy Systems.
Mr. Saurav Kumar (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. P. Sumathi) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2022. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Congratulations to Prof. Premalata Jena for receiving the SERB-POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Women in Exploratory Research) Fellowship for a period of 3 years.
Congratulations to Prof. Bhavesh Kumar R. Bhalja on his approval of the project proposal titled "Fault detection and localization in a hybrid AC/DC microgrid" under Joint India-Serbia scientific cooperation by DST.
We welcome our new faculty colleague, Dr. Abdul Saleem Mir, who has joined our department in the PSE group.
Dr. Soumitri Jena (PhD scholar of Prof. Bhavesh R. Bhalja) has been awarded POSOCO Power System Awards (PPSA) 2022 in Doctoral Category. He will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh.
Four Start-Up Research Grants (SRG) funded by SERB-DST were awarded each to Prof. Abhisek Kumar Behara (S&C), Prof. Avanish Tripathi (EDPE), Prof. Deep Kiran (PSE) and Prof. Jishnu Kavil Kambrath (EDPE).
Mr. Kshitij Bithel (18115053) and Mr. Keshav Dixit (18115050) were awarded the first edition of the Student Innovation Grant Program by ARTPARK, IISc Bengaluru.
Prof. G. K. Singh co-authored a book titled "Computational Intelligence and Biomedical Signal Processing: An Interdisciplinary, Easy and Practical Approach", Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Mr. Pranav Kumar Jha was selected for the prestigious Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship Scheme (May 2021 cycle) for PhD.
Mr. Abhishek Karanath (17115004) and Ms. Purva Chiniya (17115068) won the Best Innovation Award, IIT Roorkee and a prize of Rs. 50,000 per team on their project titled "A Deep Learning-based Communicator System with Lip-reading Software to Ease Interaction for Hearing Impaired".
Mr. Alankrit Mahajan (17115010), Mr. Sarthak Gupta (17115079), Mr. Shashank Gupta (17115084) and Mr. Swapnil Singh (17115102) won the Judge's Choice Award, IIT Roorkee (Joint Award) and prize of Rs. 25,000 per team on their project titled "Gunshot Detection and Positioning System".
Prof. G. K. Singh, Prof. N. P. Padhy and Prof. B. Das featured in the database compiled by Stanford University that ranks the top two per cent of scientists worldwide based on their research publications in the field of 'Energy' (published in October 2021).
Three new PECs are introduced: Design of WBG Device based Power Converters, Machine Learning for Signal Processing and Applied Machine Learning.
A project titled "Development of active or passive leg exoskeleton based on series elastic actuation for assistance of elderly humans" funded by TIH-Cobotics (IIT Delhi) is granted to Prof. Felix Orlando Maria Joseph (PI, Assistant professor, EED, IIT Roorkee).
Mr. Suraj Kumar Chaurasiya (PhD scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Roorkee; Supervisors: Prof. A. Bhattacharya and Prof. S. Das) is selected as an Intern with GE India Industrial Private Limited for six months.
Congratulations to Prof. Yogesh Hote for winning the best teacher award in 2021. Also, congratulations to Prof. Ganesh Kumhar for getting inducted among the top 10 teachers for consecutive two years.
Congratulations to Dr. Gururaj, PhD scholar of Prof. N. P. Padhy, on his appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Mr. Viral Rathod (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Ganesh B. Kumbhar) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2021. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Mr. Het Bhalja (PhD scholar under the supervision of Prof. Bhavesh R. Bhalja) has received the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) award for 2021. Congratulations to him on his achievement which has made the department and the institute proud.
Mr. Sarthak Malik, 2nd year in the Department of Electrical Engineering, has received the GFH Award (2021) on Hackathon in Machine Learning and Data Science. Amidst high competition from around the world, he has secured Rank 4. We congratulate him on his achievement which has also made the department and the institute proud.
We welcome our new faculty colleagues, Dr. Apurv Kumar Yadav and Dr. Ashish Kothyari, who have joined our department in the EDPE and S&C groups, respectively.
Patent Filed
Inventor(s) - Ganesh B. Kumbhar, Bhavesh R. Bhalja and Viral B. Rathod (30 June 2023)
"A System and Method to Locate Partial Discharge in Transformer Winding Using Electromagnetic Time Reversal"
Inventor(s) - Bhavesh R. Bhalja, Ashtabhuj Srivastava and Saran Satsangi (14 December 2022)
"A System and Method for Drive Cycle for Railway Vehicles"
Inventor(s) - Bhavesh R. Bhalja and Soumitri Jena (25 June 2021)
"Add-on device and its method to prevent breaker-failure mal-operations"
Inventor(s) - Gururaj M V, Narayana Prasad Padhy, Bandla Krishna Chaithanya and Rashmi Prasad (05 March 2021)
"Cost-Effective Isolated operation of the DFIG wind system supported by the DC microgrid"
Inventor(s) - M K Pathak and Harshit Mohan (23 Feb 2021)
"A system and method for active reactive power based speed and/or Torque control of multiphase asynchronous machines"
Inventor(s) - Pramod Agrawal and Naveen Yalla (16 Nov 2021)
"NPA: A multilevel high power factor AC-DC converter"
Inventor(s) - Sanjeev Pannala, N.P. Padhy and Pramod Agrawal (04 Sept 2021)
"Cost effective solution for cranking of diesel generator in low power autonomous DC micro grid"
H. Bhalja, B. R. Bhalja, P. Agarwal and O. P. Malik, "Time-Frequency Decomposition based Protection Scheme for Power Transformer-Simulation and Experimental Validation," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023.
R. K. Singh, A. Sharma, and G. K. Singh, "Attention-guided residual W-Net for supervised cardiac magnetic resonance imaging segmentation," in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 86, p. 105177, 2023.
A. Kumar, B. R. Bhalja and G. B. Kumbhar, "Novel Technique for Location Identification and Estimation of Extent of Turn-to-Turn Fault in Transformer Winding," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 7382-7392, July 2023.
A. Doorwar, B. R. Bhalja and O. P. Malik, "Novel Approach for Synchronous Generator Protection Using New Differential Component," in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 180-191, March 2023.
J. T. Rao, B. R. Bhalja, Mikhail Andreev, O.P. Malik, "Discrimination between in-zone and out-of-zone faults during power swing condition using synchrophasor data," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 146, p. 108769, 2023.
V. B. Rathod, G. B. Kumbhar and B. R. Bhalja, “Performance Analysis of Acoustic Sensors Based Time Reversal Technique for Partial Discharge Localization in Power Transformers,” Electric Power System Research, vol. 215, p. 108965,2023.
N. Thanua and G. B. Kumbhar, "Plasma Dynamics-Based Modeling and Analysis of Partial Discharge in Voids Inside Insulation of Power Transformer," in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 284-294, Jan. 2023.
A. Jain, N. P. Padhy and M. K. Pathak, "Cost-effective Size of HESS Incorporated in VSG With Enhanced Performance of Battery Providing Implicit Inertia," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, doi, 2023.
K. Murari, N. P. Padhy and S. Kamalasadan, "A Backward-Forward Sweep Based Power Flow Algorithm for Generalized AC-DC Distribution Network with Distributed Generations," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023
S. Jena and N. P. Padhy, "Reconfigurable and Privacy-Preserving Economical Operation for Interconnected DC Microgrid Clusters," in IEEE Systems Journal, 2023
G. K. Rao and P. Jena, "A Novel Fault Identification and Localization Scheme for Bipolar DC Microgrid," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023.
R. Pradhan, P. Jena, "An innovative fault direction estimation technique for AC microgrid," Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 215, p. 108997, 2023.
R. Nandi, M. Tripathy, C. P. Gupta "Coordination of BESS and PV system with bidirectional power control strategy in AC microgrid," Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Vol. 34, p. 101029, 2023.
S. Sharma and M. Tripathy, "Differential Reactor Voltage Based Fault Detection and Classification for Smart DC Microgrid," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023
C. Srivastava and M. Tripathy, "Novel Adaptive Fault Detection Strategy in DC Microgrid Utilizing Statistical-Based Method," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 6917-6929, May 2023.
S. J. Alexander, P. Sumathi, S. K. Panigrahi, C. B. Priya and N. Gopalakrishnan, "Evaluation of Embedded Dual-Piezoelectric-Based Transducer With Miniature Impedance Analyzer for Monitoring the Curing of Cement Mortar," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-10, 2023
V. Muneer, G. M. Biju and A. Bhattacharya, "Optimal Machine Learning based Controller for Shunt Active Power Filter by Auto Machine Learning," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023.
J. Samantaray, R. Chakraborty, A. Dey and S. Chakrabarty, "Lyapunov-Based Capacitor Voltage Observation of Modular Multilevel Converters," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 3024-3034, March 2023.
A. Srivastava and J. Seshadrinath, "A Single-Phase Seven-Level Triple Boost Inverter for Grid-Connected Transformerless PV Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 9004-9015, Sept. 2023.
S. Banerjee, G K. Singh, "A new real-time lossless data compression algorithm for ECG and PPG signals," Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 79, p. 104127, 2023.
A. K. Behera, S. Mondal, B. Bandyopadhyay, "A decoupled design of a robust sliding mode observer," Automatica, Vol. 148, p. 110799, 2023.
A. K. Shakya, G. Pillai, S. Chakrabarty, "Reinforcement Learning Algorithms: A brief survey," Expert Systems with Applications, p. 120495, 2023
S. Saini, M. F. Orlando and P. M. Pathak, "Adaptive Control of a Master-Slave Based Robotic Surgical System With Haptic Feedback," in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1125-1138, April 2023.
J. Samantaray, S. Chakrabarty, A. Bartoszewicz, "Advanced discrete-time sliding mode control with fast output sampling and its application to buck converter," Automatica, Vol. 149, p. 110802, 2023.
S. Sen and V. Kumar, "Distributed Adaptive-MPC Type Optimal PMS for PV-Battery Based Isolated Microgrid," in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 546-557, March 2023.
V. Mohale, T. R. Chelliah and Y. V. Hote, "Small Signal Stability Analysis of Damping Controller for SSO Mitigation in a Large Rated Asynchronous Hydro Unit," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023.
V. Mohale, T. R. Chelliah and Y. V. Hote, "Analysis and Damping of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations in a 250 MW DFIM Hydro Unit Connected to Series Compensated 765 kV Transmission Lines," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 2234-2245, March-April 2023.
Safiullah , Y. V. Hote, "Reduced Order Based Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design with Applications," IETE Technical Review, pp. 1-18, 2023
Power System Engineering
Electric Drives and Power Electronics
Advanced Instrumentation and Artificial Intelligen
System and Control
Project Name Funding Agency
Sub-synchronous and Weak-grid Oscillations in Modern Power Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Mitigation SRIC, IIT Roorkee
Development and validation of security solutions against various cyber-attacks CPRI, Bangalore
Fault Detection and Localization in a hybrid AC/DC Microgrid DST
Development of Hydrogen Fuel Cell based Hybrid Power Train DST
Energy Optimization for EV Charging Station through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence TIH, IIT Roorkee
Development of a Synchrophasor based Fault Identification Module for Compensated Transmission Lines SERB
A New Digital Relaying Scheme for Power Transformer CPRI, Bangalore
A New Adaptive Scheme for Protection of Synchronous Generator CSIR
Islanding Detection and Recloser-Fuse Coordination in Distribution Network with DG Penetrations SERB
Development of Indigenous Simulation Model for Design Validation of Traction Power Supply Network NHSRCL, New Delhi
Development of a Technique Based on Electrical and Acoustic Signals for Localization of Partial Discharge in Power Transformers SERB
Impedance Calculation and Load Flow Analysis in Railway traction system (1*25 and 2*25 kV system) RDSO, Lucknow
Market Design for the Provision of Ancillary Services with Distributed Energy Resources SRIC, IIT Roorkee
Parameter and Topology Estimation of Distribution Network SERB
Indo-Danish data-driven control and optimization for a highly Efficient Distribution Grid (ID-EDGe) DST
US-India collaborative for smart distribution System with Storage DST
Demonstration of MW scale Solar Integration in weak grids using Distributed Energy Storages DST
High Energy And Power Density (HEAPD) Solutions to Large Energy Deficits DST
Development of Renewable Energy Integrated Smart Grid Laboratory (DORIS) MHRD
Smart Energy Grids Innovation Challenge, MIRC DST
Software Tools, Open Source Tools and Simulation Tools MHRD
Restructuring-Automation and Quality Power: Scope and Solutions for Indian Power Sector MHRD
India Benefits From Introducing An Efficient Strategy in Re-regulating Power Industry DST
Demand side Management and Distribution System Automation AICTE
High Impedance Fault Detection in An Interconnected Network DST
Adaptive protection of AC Microgrid CPRI, Bangalore
Development of Hardware-in-Loop(HIL) test bed for Islanding detection in AC Microgrid SERB
Synchrophasor Technology for islanding and Restoration of Smart Grid SERB
Damping of active power oscillation in Transmission lines fed by Hydro power plants THDC
Protection of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid SERB
Protection of Zonal DC Microgrid SERB
Impact Analysis and Mitigation of Cyber Attacks on Microgrid SCADA CPRI, Bangalore
Analysis of Stability and Protection Aspects of Integrated Solar Energy and Bioenergy System into a Power System DST
Control and Protection of Upgradable and Reconfigurable Renewable Energy Based Microgrid for Rural Area. MHRD
Development and Testing of AI based Differential Protection Techniques for Phase Shifting Transformer. FIG, IIT Roorkee
Studies on Creep Behaviour of AI and Copper Winding Joints of Distribution Transformers International Copper Association, Mumbai
A Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid System With Various Renewable-Energy Resources Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities Presidents’ Forum (SATU)
Integration of Different Renewable-Energy Resources with Energy-Storage Systems and Control Systems Using Various Microgrid Systems Global Research Group (SDG), support by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan and Worldwide Universities Network (WUN
Control and Protection of Upgradable and Reconfigurable Renewable Energy Based Microgrid for Rural Area MHRD

Project Name Funding Agency
Bidirectional Power Flow of multi-source Grid Converter for wind application FIG, IIT Roorkee
An Investigation on Solid State Transformer SERB
Investigation on MRAS based speed estimation CSIR
Mobile Substation and Grid Storage System DST
Electromagnetic Stirrer Design for Indian Steel Industry SERB
Power converters for Renewable Source and power quality improvement in Distributed Generation system FIG, IIT Roorkee
A smart solar PV based power supply system suitable for both grid and islanded mode DST
Investigation of grid forming controls in Type III Wind Turbines SERB
Development of Virtual Electrical Machine Lab. MHRD
3-Phase Asynchronous Traction Motor Design Validation Titagarh Wagons Ltd. India
Development of Power SiC Based Solid State Distribution Transformer for Smart Grid DST
Design and Performance Analysis of Six-Phase Induction Machine for Improved Reliability and Stability in A.C. Drives CSIR
Performance Analysis of Large Induction Machines Improved Reliability in Solid-State Drives CSIR
Performance Analysis of Six-Phase Synchronous Machine AC-DC Power Supply with Improved Reliability CSIR
Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Optimum Converter Motor Drives based on Effective Harmonic Utilization UGC
Design and Development of Multi-Converter System for High Rating AC Drives and STATCOM /UPFC CSIR
Design and Analysis of Self-Excited Six-Phase Induction Generator for Stand-Alone Renewable Energy Generation University of Malaya, Govt. of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Design and Analysis of Self-Excited Six-Phase Induction Generator Powered by Hydro Turbine DDF Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Investigations on SiC-based Current Source Inverter with Pre-stage Converter for NextGen EV Motor Drive FIG, IIT Roorkee
Multiphase Inductive Power Transfer System for Contactless Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles SERB

Project Name Funding Agency
AI enabled Algorithms for Object Detection, Recognition, and Classification with Thermal Imaging DRDO
Integrated Resistance and Capacitance Measurement System Based on Field Programmable Gate Array CSIR
Field Deployable Signal Processing System for Measurement of Path Integrated Gas Concentration in Real Time DRDO
Experimental Investigation on Active Vibration Control of Single-Link Flexible Manipulator through Online Vibration Mode Estimation SERB
Instrumentation of sub-systems of RF LINAC BARC

Project Name Funding Agency
Distributed Sampled-Data Control of Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Systems SERB
Development of Resilient Cooperative Control Schemes for Multi-Lane Heterogeneous Vehicle Platooning in Mixed Traffic Scenarios SERB
Design and Development of Hybrid Renewable Energy Microgrid with Value Chain Applications DST
Development of Open Source Simulation Packages Equivalent to MATLAB and PSCAD MHRD
Different Energy Vector Integration for Storage of Energy (DEVISE) DST
Design & Development of IoT Based Health-Monitoring System for Study of Effect of YAM on COVID-19 Related Health Parameters DST
Development and Control of a Novel Hand Exoskeleton SRIC, IIT Roorkee
Development of an Active Self-Actuating Smart Needle for Image-Guided Percutaneous Interventions SERB
Development of active or passive leg exoskeleton based on series elastic actuation for assistance of elderly humans TIH, IIT Delhi
Improved Robustness and Performance with Higher Order Discrete Time Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Applications SRIC, IIT Roorkee
Design, analysis, fabrication and control of attraction type electromagnetic levitation prototypes AICTE
Design and Development of a Low Cost Automated Guided Vehicle for Indian Industries Tetrahedron Manufacturing Services Pvt. Ltd.
Reinforcement Learning based stabilization of liquid surface in autonomous ground vehicle payloads ARTPARK, IISc
Design and development of a low-cost compact automated guided vehicle for payload movement in housing and urban industries Divyasampark iHub, IIT Roorkee
Reconfigurable IPs library for power system protection DST
 Hybrid Renewable Energy Microgrid with Value Chain Applications for Agriculture & Dairy Farms DST
Design and Verification of digital Controller for distillation column MHRD
Reconfigurable Embedded System for Power System Protection & Control DST
PID Control approach for AGC of power system with integration of RE sources CPRI, Bangalore
Mitigation of cyber attacks in power system using non-linear control system design IHUB, IIT KANPUR
Robust control approach to feedback control systems with Uncertainty & C.D.( SERB
Design of Robust controller for Robotics Systems FIG, IIT ROORKEE

Research Groups
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Power System Engineering
There is an image here
Electric Drives and Power Electronics
There is an image here
Advanced Instrumentation and Artificial Intelligence
There is an image here
Systems and Control
There is an image here
Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Amit K. Gupta
BTech Students
PhD Students
MTech Students